Photo Information

Marines from Alpha Company, Marine Barracks Washington, D.C. search a vehicle at a vehicle control point as part of a military operations in urban terrain exercise at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, Oct. 15, 2015.

Photo by Cpl. Christian Varney

Alpha Company MOUT Training

21 Oct 2015 | Cpl. Christian Varney The Official United States Marine Corps Public Website

 Alpha Company, Marine Barracks Washington, D.C., conducted military operations in urban terrain on Range UTC-B MOUT Town, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, Oct. 15, 2015. The training was intended to increase fire team and squad level proficiency.

The Marines participated in four different drills which included: immediate action drills in response to sniper fire, exterior movement, interior movement and room clearing, and how to operate a vehicle control point.

“We hope this helps the Marines be confident in their ability to conduct combat operations in a MOUT environment and build on the knowledge level of the individual Marine,” said Gunnery Sgt. Justin Bradley, company gunnery sergeant, A Co.

The interior drills focused on clearing rooms and how to communicate as a fire team. The Marines first breached the door by kicking it and used different techniques such as crossing over and button hooks to move through the entrance. The fire team then worked together to clear the house in an efficient manner, always covering doorways and unsecured areas.

The exterior drills focused on moving from building to building with the use of RIGS which stands for recon, isolate, gain foothold and secure. The three elements of the squad, the assault fire team, the support fire team and the security fire team advanced in subsequent order and secured the designated structure.

During the immediate action drills, the Marines patrolled through the MOUT Town while receiving simulated sniper fire. The Marines under fire took covered positions to suppress the enemy while another element of their squad maneuvered to the sniper’s position.

“The sniper drills were a new addition to the MOUT training we usually do,” said Cpl. David Worrell, squad leader, 1st platoon, A Co.. “We were building on the fundamentals of being a rifleman, by closing with the enemy in a new way.”

The last training scenario was the vehicle control checkpoint. The Marines set up defensive positions and barricades to prevent the vehicle from advancing. The squad leader then shouted commands to the driver. Meanwhile the Marines moved the occupants away from the vehicle so it could be searched for weapons or any other type of munitions. The Marines then restrained the occupants and searched them.

“All in all this was great training,” said Lance Cpl. Alex Jarbo, squad leader, 2nd platoon, A Co. The new Marines learned a lot and the Marines who are transferring from the Barracks got a great refresher before moving to a new unit.