10 May 2023 | SSIC 05000 General Admin & Management

This document outlines the Marine Corps’ communication priorities for the Service in order to build and retain our Nation’s support of the Marine Corps through cohesive storytelling and public engagement. It is equally important that Americans possess an understanding of "why” their Marine Corps exists and for “what” purpose, lest we find ourselves lacking the resources, equipment, or willpower necessary for our all-volunteer force to succeed. Operations, activities, and investments (OAI) spanning across the Fleet Marine Forces (FMF) and Headquarters, Marine Corps (HQMC) should be synchronized and driven towards a shared understanding of what Service initiatives or priorities they communicate and whom we must connect with to inform, educate, foster advocacy, and maintain public trust. This communication strategy serves as a perennial reference enabling this synchronization and aims to assist commanders, leaders, and communication strategy professionals at all levels toward sharing te central tenets of why the Marine Corps is critical to enabling the Department of the Navy and Joint Force in defending our Nation and our allies from the myriad of 21st Century global threats. Lastly, this document sets the foundation for the Marine Corps’ holistic communication approach for the long-term, whose tenets and OAIs are formally implemented via each subsequent “Annual Year Communication Campaign Plan,” as well as through updated iterations of the HQMC “Communication Directorate (CD) Playbook” (both published separately by HQMC CD).