MCO 4650.39A
24 Feb 2014 | SSIC 04000 Logistics

This Order provides policy for the operation and use of the DTS.

DTS was established to meet the requirements for a single, paperless Travel Management System (TMS) to be used by all Department of Defense (DoD) travelers. DTS is an electronic end-to-end TMS that transformed paper-based processes into a streamlined, integrated, and paperless system. DTS represents a revolutionary approach which reengineers travel for DoD and is designed to more closely mirror the best business practices of commercial industry. DTS provides an automated means to make transportation and lodging arrangements, estimate travel costs, authorize travel, obligate funds, issue tickets, process vouchers for reimbursement and reconciliation, and meet DoD and Service reporting requirements. b. Per reference (b), all personal information maintained in DTS shall be used for authorized purposes only. Safeguards are in place to prevent unauthorized access to the personal data contained in DTS.