The latest news and the coverage of news, events, videos, tweets and more from the U.S. Marine Corps.
Tag: advancements

As dusk descends, Marines and civilians from the Program Manager for Ground-Based Air Defense assemble around Program Executive Officer Land System’s cutting-edge Medium Range Intercept Capability system. Serving as the Corps’ first medium range missile capability since the HAWK system, this state-of-the-art capability proved its mettle by successfully hitting targets at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, on December 16, 2021. - As dusk descends, Marines and civilians from the Program Manager for Ground-Based Air Defense assemble around Program Executive Officer Land System’s cutting-edge Medium Range Intercept Capability system. Serving as the Corps’ first medium range missile capability since the HAWK system, this state-of-the-art capability proved its mettle by successfully hitting targets at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, on December 16, 2021.

Charles Phelps, Shane Hillhouse and David Lin were awarded the Meritorious Civilian Service medal by Colonel Michael Fitzgerald during the Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB) Albany Net Zero Ceremony, May 24, 2022, on behalf of the Secretary of the Navy. These awards acknowledge the professional achievements while serving in direct support of the MCLB Albany Energy Program. These individuals were critical to the successful execution of over a decade worth of energy projects and initiatives. From concept and design through commissioning, they served in key roles on the three energy savings performance contracts, the electrical grid modernization, the 31-megawatt solar photovoltaic farm, the installation of the two landfill gas generators and the facility-related control system. These efforts were critical to MCLB Albany’s proud accomplishment of being the first installation in the Department of Defense to be Net Zero, ensuring energy security and resiliency within the Marine Corps. - Charles Phelps, Shane Hillhouse and David Lin were awarded the Meritorious Civilian Service medal by Colonel Michael Fitzgerald during the Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB) Albany Net Zero Ceremony, May 24, 2022, on behalf of the Secretary of the Navy. These awards acknowledge the professional achievements while serving in direct support of the MCLB Albany Energy Program. These individuals were critical to the successful execution of over a decade worth of energy projects and initiatives. From concept and design through commissioning, they served in key roles on the three energy savings performance contracts, the electrical grid modernization, the 31-megawatt solar photovoltaic farm, the installation of the two landfill gas generators and the facility-related control system. These efforts were critical to MCLB Albany’s proud accomplishment of being the first installation in the Department of Defense to be Net Zero, ensuring energy security and resiliency within the Marine Corps.

Fall Festival 2024 - Oktoberfest
MRF-D 24.3 Marines participate in scout screener
RS Houston OST conducts PT with University of St. Thomas baseball team
Cpl. Spencer Collart Awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal
H&HS Hosts Relief and Appointment Ceremony 2024
A Higher Purpose: U.S. Navy's Oldest Non-Catholic Chaplain to Commission
MARFORPAC Change of Command Ceremony
8-kilometer hike
23rd Anniversary of 9/11
9/11 Memorial Run
Honoring those lost on September 11, 2001
RS Houston attend 9/11 Heroes Run
MARFORPAC Change of Command Trailer

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