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Tag: NC

Ten Marine veterans received awards at Hadnot Point parade ground Saturday morning as a result of performances in engagements in the Pacific theater of war. Eight received Gold Stars in lieu of a second Purple Heart, one received a Bronze Medal heroic and meritorious performance of duty and one received a Purple Heart. The presentations were made by Lt. Col. T. M. Sheffield, Infantry Training Regiment, and Maj. L. G. Ditta, Infantry Schools Battalion, prior to a “pass in review” of men serving in the Officer Candidate Applicants’ Battalion. Shown in above photo, left to right, are Lt. Col. Sheffield, Maj. Ditta, Sgt. Lawrence Gerkin, Platoon Sgt. Robert Levy, Sgt. Robert Sadler, Sgt. Harry Smith, Sgt. Louis Cozzens, Sgt. Herbert Meza, and Cpl. Calvin Lawson, Cpl. Robert Heard, Cpl. William Hinkle and Cpl. Robert Radish. - Ten Marine veterans received awards at Hadnot Point parade ground Saturday morning as a result of performances in engagements in the Pacific theater of war. Eight received Gold Stars in lieu of a second Purple Heart, one received a Bronze Medal heroic and meritorious performance of duty and one received a Purple Heart. The presentations were made by Lt. Col. T. M. Sheffield, Infantry Training Regiment, and Maj. L. G. Ditta, Infantry Schools Battalion, prior to a “pass in review” of men serving in the Officer Candidate Applicants’ Battalion. Shown in above photo, left to right, are Lt. Col. Sheffield, Maj. Ditta, Sgt. Lawrence Gerkin, Platoon Sgt. Robert Levy, Sgt. Robert Sadler, Sgt. Harry Smith, Sgt. Louis Cozzens, Sgt. Herbert Meza, and Cpl. Calvin Lawson, Cpl. Robert Heard, Cpl. William Hinkle and Cpl. Robert Radish.

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