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Lance Corporals Brittany R. Dunklee, left, gunner, and Ashleigh Howell, center, driver, both with Light Armored Vehicle Platoon, Company B, Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force, carry a simulated casualty while Cpl. Benjamin Alexander, right, vehicle commander, provides security, during the CASEVAC portion of a Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity assessment at Range 500, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California, March 12, 2015. From October 2014 to July 2015, the GCEITF will conduct individual and collective level skills training in designated ground combat arms occupational specialties in order to facilitate the standards-based assessment of the physical performance of Marines in a simulated operating environment performing specific ground combat arms tasks. - Lance Corporals Brittany R. Dunklee, left, gunner, and Ashleigh Howell, center, driver, both with Light Armored Vehicle Platoon, Company B, Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force, carry a simulated casualty while Cpl. Benjamin Alexander, right, vehicle commander, provides security, during the CASEVAC portion of a Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity assessment at Range 500, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California, March 12, 2015. From October 2014 to July 2015, the GCEITF will conduct individual and collective level skills training in designated ground combat arms occupational specialties in order to facilitate the standards-based assessment of the physical performance of Marines in a simulated operating environment performing specific ground combat arms tasks.

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