A pair of gloves are placed outside the boxing ring during a training session for U.S. Marine Corps boxers with the II Marine Expeditionary Force Martial Arts Center of Excellence boxing program on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, N.C., April 20, 2021. The boxing program prepares II MEF Marines to compete in professional level matches through rigorous physical exercise and mental training. As a pilot program, it has already showcased four of its boxers in 2021 at the U.S.A. National Boxing Championship as well as more upcoming matches. - A pair of gloves are placed outside the boxing ring during a training session for U.S. Marine Corps boxers with the II Marine Expeditionary Force Martial Arts Center of Excellence boxing program on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, N.C., April 20, 2021. The boxing program prepares II MEF Marines to compete in professional level matches through rigorous physical exercise and mental training. As a pilot program, it has already showcased four of its boxers in 2021 at the U.S.A. National Boxing Championship as well as more upcoming matches.
Marine credits triathlons for making him a better warfighter - Maj. Ken Parisi, a logistics specialist at Marine Corps Systems Command, crosses the finish line at the Ironman World Championship at Nelson Mandela Bay in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in September. He placed in the top 25 percent of 4,500 competitors and said his passion for triathlons gave him confidence and made him a better Marine. (Courtesy photo)
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