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Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Sgt. 1st Class Yatsuka Ikeda, left, helps U.S. Marine 1st Sgt. Timothy Babcock set up the American flag Dec. 1 before the opening ceremony for Forest Light 15-1 at the Oyanohara Training Area in Yamato, Kumamoto prefecture, Japan. Forest Light demonstrates the continued commitment of the U.S. and Japan to increase interoperability of our armed forces and maintain a strong partnership to protect Japan from external aggression. Ikeda is with 42nd Regiment, 8th Division, Western Army, JGSDF. Babcock, from Port Austin, Michigan, is company first sergeant with Company G, 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, currently attached to 4th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, under the unit deployment program. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Drew Tech/Released) - Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Sgt. 1st Class Yatsuka Ikeda, left, helps U.S. Marine 1st Sgt. Timothy Babcock set up the American flag Dec. 1 before the opening ceremony for Forest Light 15-1 at the Oyanohara Training Area in Yamato, Kumamoto prefecture, Japan. Forest Light demonstrates the continued commitment of the U.S. and Japan to increase interoperability of our armed forces and maintain a strong partnership to protect Japan from external aggression. Ikeda is with 42nd Regiment, 8th Division, Western Army, JGSDF. Babcock, from Port Austin, Michigan, is company first sergeant with Company G, 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, currently attached to 4th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, under the unit deployment program. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Drew Tech/Released)

U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Jonas G. Dewald works with a fellow Marine to don his ghillie suit Dec. 2 in the Oyanohara Training Area in Yamato, Kumamoto prefecture, Japan. The concealment training is part of Forest Light 15-1, a semi-annual, bilateral exercise consisting of a command post exercise and field training events conducted by elements of III Marine Expeditionary Force and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force to enhance the U.S. and Japan military partnership, solidify regional security agreements and improve individual and unit-level skills. Dewald, from Wilson, North Carolina, is a machine gunner with Weapons Company, 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, currently attached to 4th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III MEF, under the unit deployment program. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Drew Tech/Released) - U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Jonas G. Dewald works with a fellow Marine to don his ghillie suit Dec. 2 in the Oyanohara Training Area in Yamato, Kumamoto prefecture, Japan. The concealment training is part of Forest Light 15-1, a semi-annual, bilateral exercise consisting of a command post exercise and field training events conducted by elements of III Marine Expeditionary Force and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force to enhance the U.S. and Japan military partnership, solidify regional security agreements and improve individual and unit-level skills. Dewald, from Wilson, North Carolina, is a machine gunner with Weapons Company, 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, currently attached to 4th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III MEF, under the unit deployment program. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Drew Tech/Released)

Marines with Combat Logistics Detachment 379 march in the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Peleliu ceremony Sept. 15 at Peleliu Elementary School in the Republic of Palau. The event brought together members of the Palau community, World War II veterans who served in the Battle of Peleliu, elected officials of Palau and representatives the U.S. military to remember the landing that took place 70 years earlier. The Marines with CLD-379 came to the Republic of Palau aboard the USNS Sacagawea as part of T-AKE 14-2, a maritime pre-positioned force, multi-country theater security cooperation event that deploys from Okinawa to conduct training exercises and TSC events. The Marines are from CLD-379, Combat Logistics Regiment 37, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force. - Marines with Combat Logistics Detachment 379 march in the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Peleliu ceremony Sept. 15 at Peleliu Elementary School in the Republic of Palau. The event brought together members of the Palau community, World War II veterans who served in the Battle of Peleliu, elected officials of Palau and representatives the U.S. military to remember the landing that took place 70 years earlier. The Marines with CLD-379 came to the Republic of Palau aboard the USNS Sacagawea as part of T-AKE 14-2, a maritime pre-positioned force, multi-country theater security cooperation event that deploys from Okinawa to conduct training exercises and TSC events. The Marines are from CLD-379, Combat Logistics Regiment 37, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force.

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