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Tag: Humanitarian

Armed Forces of the Philippines engineers, from the 552nd Engineer Construction Battalion, U.S. Navy Seabees, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 5, and U.S. Marine engineers, from the 9th Engineer Support Battalion, are ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ as they pass buckets filled with concrete for placement at Don Joaquin Elementary School in Tapaz, Philippines, during Balikatan 2015, April 9. The engineers, part of the Combined-Joint Civil-Military Operations Task Force located on the island of Panay, are constructing two classrooms at the school. Balikatan, which means “shoulder to shoulder” in Filipino, is an annual bilateral training exercise aimed at improving the ability of Philippine and U.S. military forces to work together during planning, contingency, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations. - Armed Forces of the Philippines engineers, from the 552nd Engineer Construction Battalion, U.S. Navy Seabees, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 5, and U.S. Marine engineers, from the 9th Engineer Support Battalion, are ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ as they pass buckets filled with concrete for placement at Don Joaquin Elementary School in Tapaz, Philippines, during Balikatan 2015, April 9. The engineers, part of the Combined-Joint Civil-Military Operations Task Force located on the island of Panay, are constructing two classrooms at the school. Balikatan, which means “shoulder to shoulder” in Filipino, is an annual bilateral training exercise aimed at improving the ability of Philippine and U.S. military forces to work together during planning, contingency, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations.

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