The latest news and the coverage of news, events, videos, tweets and more from the U.S. Marine Corps.
Tag: Heroism

U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Natalie Lamb, the commanding officer of Recruiting Station Fort Worth, awards a Navy and Marie Corps Commendation Medal to Gunnery Sgt. Jamie Self, a career recruiter for Recruiting Substation Arlington, during an award ceremony in Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. 18, 2022. U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Dalmon Moseley, Staff Sgt. Dylan Greene, and Self each earned a Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal for saving the life of a man wounded in a shooting in Arlington, Texas, Feb. 5, 2022. - U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Natalie Lamb, the commanding officer of Recruiting Station Fort Worth, awards a Navy and Marie Corps Commendation Medal to Gunnery Sgt. Jamie Self, a career recruiter for Recruiting Substation Arlington, during an award ceremony in Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. 18, 2022. U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Dalmon Moseley, Staff Sgt. Dylan Greene, and Self each earned a Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal for saving the life of a man wounded in a shooting in Arlington, Texas, Feb. 5, 2022.

Marines TV: A Higher Purpose: U.S. Navy's Oldest Non-Catholic Chaplain
A Higher Purpose: U.S. Navy's Oldest Non-Catholic Chaplain
23rd Anniversary of 9/11
Honoring those lost on September 11, 2001
RS Houston attend 9/11 Heroes Run
Amphibious Raid: UNITAS 2024
Telling the Story: Sgt. Mackenzie’s journey of photographing the Vietnam War
Making a MAGTF | Logistics Combat Element
Kinser Fest
MCRD San Diego Kilo Company Graduation Ceremony
Five U.S. Marine squadrons train on actual mission sets | Exercise Evergreen 2024 (Short-Form)
Forged With Integrity
VMU-3 Relief and Appointment Ceremony
Recruiting Station San Diego Recruiters Visit Palau, Assisted by Koa Moana 24
Gregorie Neck: Victory for Conservation and Military Readiness
MWCS-28 Marines receive 2nd MAW commanding general's Cowbell Award

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