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Tag: Radiological

Two chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear defense specialists ensure gas masks are properly fitted prior to leak, seal, package and decontamination training April 21 at the gas chamber on Camp Hansen, Okinawa. The CBRN defense specialists assisted in familiarizing explosive ordnance disposal technicians with decontamination procedures following the leak, seal, package process used to mitigate CBRN-related hazards. The EOD technicians and CBRN defense specialists used protective equipment to perform general decontamination of the affected area and prepare the leaking ordnance for safe containment and transport before completing the decontamination process. The training instilled the Marines’ confidence in their safety equipment and procedures used to mitigate CBRN-related hazards. The Marines are with 9th Engineer Support Battalion, and Marine Logistics Group Headquarters Regiment, 3rd MLG, III Marine Expeditionary Force. - Two chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear defense specialists ensure gas masks are properly fitted prior to leak, seal, package and decontamination training April 21 at the gas chamber on Camp Hansen, Okinawa. The CBRN defense specialists assisted in familiarizing explosive ordnance disposal technicians with decontamination procedures following the leak, seal, package process used to mitigate CBRN-related hazards. The EOD technicians and CBRN defense specialists used protective equipment to perform general decontamination of the affected area and prepare the leaking ordnance for safe containment and transport before completing the decontamination process. The training instilled the Marines’ confidence in their safety equipment and procedures used to mitigate CBRN-related hazards. The Marines are with 9th Engineer Support Battalion, and Marine Logistics Group Headquarters Regiment, 3rd MLG, III Marine Expeditionary Force.

Marines TV: A Higher Purpose: U.S. Navy's Oldest Non-Catholic Chaplain
A Higher Purpose: U.S. Navy's Oldest Non-Catholic Chaplain
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RS Houston attend 9/11 Heroes Run
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Making a MAGTF | Logistics Combat Element
Kinser Fest
MCRD San Diego Kilo Company Graduation Ceremony
Five U.S. Marine squadrons train on actual mission sets | Exercise Evergreen 2024 (Short-Form)
Forged With Integrity
VMU-3 Relief and Appointment Ceremony
Recruiting Station San Diego Recruiters Visit Palau, Assisted by Koa Moana 24

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