A plate and paddle carrying the names of fallen Marines will be carried by participants of a 770-mile ruck from Navarre, Florida, to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina to honor 11 service members who died in a helicopter crash one year ago. For the next 10 days, the ruckers will walk in seven teams and trade off every 10-11 miles, about 110 miles each, until they get there.. - A plate and paddle carrying the names of fallen Marines will be carried by participants of a 770-mile ruck from Navarre, Florida, to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina to honor 11 service members who died in a helicopter crash one year ago. For the next 10 days, the ruckers will walk in seven teams and trade off every 10-11 miles, about 110 miles each, until they get there..
15 Marines and three civilians start a 770-mile ruck from Navarre, Florida, to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina to honor 11 service members who died in a helicopter crash one year ago. The Marines, led by Raider Nathan Harris, do some ceremonial push-ups at the memorial dedicated to the Raider 7. Shortly after, they began their 770-mile journey. - 15 Marines and three civilians start a 770-mile ruck from Navarre, Florida, to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina to honor 11 service members who died in a helicopter crash one year ago. The Marines, led by Raider Nathan Harris, do some ceremonial push-ups at the memorial dedicated to the Raider 7. Shortly after, they began their 770-mile journey.
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephanie Wire, the officer in charge of the 1st Marine Division Band, conducts the band during the “Honor our Fallen” concert at the Marines Memorial Club and Hotel in San Francisco Oct. 8, 2015, as part of San Francisco Fleet Week 2015. The concert was an hour-long performance honoring the fallen Marines who have given the ultimate sacrifice during every conflict the Marine Corps has fought in. - Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephanie Wire, the officer in charge of the 1st Marine Division Band, conducts the band during the “Honor our Fallen” concert at the Marines Memorial Club and Hotel in San Francisco Oct. 8, 2015, as part of San Francisco Fleet Week 2015. The concert was an hour-long performance honoring the fallen Marines who have given the ultimate sacrifice during every conflict the Marine Corps has fought in.
3/05/2025 - https://taskandpurpose.com/news/marine-osprey-crash-joshua-watson/
2/26/2025 - https://www.stripes.com/branches/marine_corps/2025-02-26/marines-drones-baltic-sabotage-finland-16959097.html#:~:text=STUTTGART%2C%20Germany%20%E2%80%94%20A%20contingent%20of,saboteurs%20in%20the%20Baltic%20Sea
2/24/2025 - https://www.kbtx.com/2025/02/24/honoring-heroes-iwo-jima/
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