U.S. Marine Corps photo by Keith Hayes/Released 180912-M-TR039-075.JPG
Sep 14, 2018
Jacob Lucero(second for left) and Nadeem Seirafi ((second from right) hold the leashes of Colli and Ricsi during the two Military Workings Dogs' retirement ceremony at the K-9 Training Field adjacent to the Adam Leigh Cann Canine Facility aboard Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow, Calif., Sept. 12. The two handlers partnered with their K-9 companions on the beat and are now adopting the two dogs as they retire from active duty. Lieutenant Steven Goss, (far right) kennel master, Marine Corps Police Department, presented the two dogs with retirement certificates. The other officers in the photo also partnered with Colli and Ricsi at different times in their careers.
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