Date Signed: 9/28/2020 | MARADMINS Number: 563/20
MARADMINS : 563/20

R 251715Z SEP 20
REF/I/MSGID: DOC/MCO 5750.1H/YMD: 20090213//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  AUTHORITY.  Refs (a) through (i) regulate all Marine Corps officer promotions.  This MARADMIN is the authority for commanding officers to effect promotions.  Per the refs, an officer's promotion may not be effected until that officer's name appears on a promotion MARADMIN or CMC message.  Appropriate commissions will be mailed to parent commands under separate cover.  Expect 2-3 weeks for delivery.  The commission is not the legal authority to promote and is not required to effect the promotion.  For the purposes of conducting a promotion ceremony, sample commissions and the oath of office can be found in chapter 6 of ref (b) or the Officer Promotion Branch's homepage at  Under "Marines/Career," click on "Promotions."  Click on "Officer Promotions," look under the "Reference" tab on the right side of the page.
2.  All officers promoted to the grade of colonel are required to submit current biographical data and photographs to the Director of Marine Corps History (HDR) as directed by MCO 5750.1H, page 2-5.  See paragraph 15 for mailing address and POC information.
3.  Under the provisions of section 624 of refs (a) and (c), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named regular officers to the grade indicated.  Rank, pay and allowances are effective from 1 October 2020.
Name                            Grade        MCC
Michael F. Arnone               Col          528
Matthew A. Baldwin              Col          QAP
Mark D. Bortnem                 Col          K75
Christopher M. Brannen          Col          K92
Jade Campbell                   Col          NBG
Warren C. Cook, Jr.             Col          082
Lawrence B. Green II            Col          NA6
Dennis L. Hager II              Col          1C1
Bryan C. Hatfield               Col          NBW
Sean P. Hoewing                 Col          145
David C. Hyman                  Col          1FU
Todd E. Mahar                   Col          029
John P. Maher                   Col          T52
David M. Martinez               Col          NF2
John S. McCalmont               Col          015
Derek S. Ost                    Col          1FJ
Duane T. Rivera                 Col          NBM
Christopher D. Roberson         Col          1DX
Prescott N. Wilson              Col          NBZ
Scott W. Zimmerman              Col          1FV
Ernest P. Abelson II            LtCol        TZ7
Joseph A. Andrejack             LtCol        QAS
Michael G. Ankrum               LtCol        087
John L. Belsha                  LtCol        J59
Patrick M. Braley               LtCol        1JE
Larry L. Buzzard                LtCol        1F1
Katharine E. Carlson            LtCol        121
Alexander G. Cole               LtCol        K9J
Amber G. Coleman                LtCol        110
Stephen M. Cook                 LtCol        QAQ
Brandon E. Cooley               LtCol        1F1
Jason C. Copeland               LtCol        1CC
Nicholas J. Cruz                LtCol        S2A
Bijan C. Derakhshan             LtCol        1TC
Michael A. Deredita             LtCol        NGM
Thomas J. Duff                  LtCol        QAS
Daniel B. Eagan                 LtCol        124
Ross A. Fearon                  LtCol        1JA
Ryan A. Ferrell                 LtCol        1JL
Jason M. Fiduccia               LtCol        TMG
Anthony T. Garofano             LtCol        NA6
Clinton P. Gebke                LtCol        139
James M. Geiger III             LtCol        1RW
Charles E. George               LtCol        V81
Jamie M. Glines                 LtCol        1JM
Robert F. Guyette II            LtCol        1JB
Paul D. Haagenson               LtCol        1WW
Kyle P. Hahn                    LtCol        142
Michael B. Harmon               LtCol        1RS
Paul C. Herrera                 LtCol        036
Kriket S. Holley                LtCol        NA6
Christopher J. Jamison          LtCol        QAE
Ruth E. Kehoe                   LtCol        094
Steven M. Keisling              LtCol        1S8
Christopher J. Kelly            LtCol        VF2
Robert S. Kemper                LtCol        111
Matthew F. Kloby                LtCol        T52
Nathan K. Knowles               LtCol        1GF
Anthony M. Koehl                LtCol        VFE
David A. Kriegbaum              LtCol        J66
Jennifer A. Kukla               LtCol        110
Jonathan W. Landers             LtCol        902
Ralph E. Lemaster               LtCol        NA6
Raymond F. Lheureux, Jr.        LtCol        NBM
Michael F. Manning              LtCol        110
Efren S. Manzanet               LtCol        1F1
Jonathan E. Marang              LtCol        NBM
Paul M. Marcy                   LtCol        1MU
Tracy A. Martin                 LtCol        1EE
Lindsay E. Mathwick             LtCol        233
Michael D. McMahon              LtCol        1A5
Joseph D. Montagna              LtCol        1F2
Brandon W. Mott                 LtCol        111
Marcus D. Moyer                 LtCol        T52
Kaho Ng                         LtCol        007
Wilbur S. Oles IV               LtCol        VMB
Kyle B. Opel                    LtCol        111
Adam F. Perlin                  LtCol        1TV
Joseph R. Petkus                LtCol        143
Stephen M. Piantanida           LtCol        036
Eric D. Porter                  LtCol        NAU
Jeffrey B. Potter               LtCol        NBM
Aaron W. Pridgen                LtCol        030
David S. Rainey                 LtCol        1C1
Jeffrey M. Rohman               LtCol        121
James P. Rubocki                LtCol        068
Eric A. Scherrer                LtCol        1A5
Ted W. Schroeder                LtCol        NBW
Jonathan M. Secor               LtCol        J66
Richard L. Shinn                LtCol        UKT
William M. Smyth                LtCol        QAQ
Walter P. Snodgrass             LtCol        1JH
Jon D. Stiebner                 LtCol        QAS
Daniel J. Struzik               LtCol        086
Christopher A. Tchinski         LtCol        1TC
Curtis L. Thomas                LtCol        111
Danielle E. Thomas              LtCol        1F5
Matthew A. Thompson             LtCol        MD7
William D. Turner III           LtCol        TFQ
Tobin J. Walker                 LtCol        NBW
Shannon M. Waller               LtCol        1VF
Lee A. White                    LtCol        NBM
Michael W. White                LtCol        T52
Joe A. Whitefield, Jr.          LtCol        1JF
Nickolas D. Whitefield          LtCol        T84
Brian S. Williams               LtCol        094
Robert W. Woodard               LtCol        084
Jason C. Yurisic                LtCol        1XA
David J. Abma, Jr.              Maj          142
Shawn M. Alexander              Maj          1G0
Jeshua O. Alston                Maj          BAC
Ezrael C. Atajar                Maj          1EC
Jose A. Avitia                  Maj          1DX
Brian D. Bassi                  Maj          114
David M. Bick                   Maj          1V2
Justin R. Bissell               Maj          V61
Alexander B. Blank              Maj          VF2
Stephen A. Bloodsworth          Maj          U18
Bradley M. Bolton               Maj          1NR
Jonathan B. Bong                Maj          UKT
Kate M. Brannon                 Maj          1JT
Logan A. Brewer                 Maj          MDG
Caleb O. Brown                  Maj          1NA
Richard A. Brown                Maj          H99
Stephen A. Brown                Maj          K18
Timothy A. Burnam               Maj          1NL
Phillip G. Buschang             Maj          VRA
George W. Carpenter II          Maj          TAV
Eric D. Cash                    Maj          LDG
Jameson L. Cauble               Maj          15N
Boulat Chainourov               Maj          K89
David W. Charles                Maj          K84
Adam L. Chase                   Maj          V6A
Jonathan S. Chavez              Maj          NA6
Brendan J. Chesley              Maj          S2H
Matthew A. Chomiak              Maj          1RX
George J. Chronis               Maj          K48
Charles M. Clark                Maj          E74
Jonathan D. Crase               Maj          016
Ryan J. Daly                    Maj          1RS
Christopher M. Daniel           Maj          G9H
Graham T. Denniston             Maj          S3F
Andrew S. Dibble                Maj          016
Matthew D. Dieska               Maj          1MX
Kevin S. Estes                  Maj          044
Tyler W. Ford                   Maj          127
Zachary P. Fox                  Maj          013
Patrick J. Gallagher            Maj          H99
Earl D. Gerlach                 Maj          1A5
Jeffrey D. Gibson               Maj          1VG
Stefan A. Gliwa                 Maj          V22
George W. Golden II             Maj          V25
Ty E. Goodbar                   Maj          115
Matthew J. Gordon               Maj          094
Kingslee G. Gourrick            Maj          1JN
Brett E. Grady                  Maj          268
Angela R. Grdina                Maj          1RA
Justin T. Green                 Maj          1MS
Jason R. Griffin                Maj          1XA
Gerardo Gueta                   Maj          1JY
Cyrus B. Hall II                Maj          1ES
Leif C. Halverson               Maj          QAQ
James A. Hansen                 Maj          007
Joseph W. Hawkinson             Maj          1HT
Jess M. Hessock                 Maj          J15
Andrew M. Hicks                 Maj          1F1
Erik S. Hopkins                 Maj          1TS
Brian K. Hua                    Maj          121
Royce B. Hyland                 Maj          069
Hector J. Infante               Maj          1NR
Gregory R. Jaunal               Maj          QAE
Alice K. Jeffers                Maj          1JG
Marc D. Jessup                  Maj          QAR
Graham K. Johnson               Maj          KAB
Thomas C. Johnson               Maj          1NB
Andrew B. Jones                 Maj          1TC
David O. Jones                  Maj          H99
Zebulun Z. Josey                Maj          V6A
Kyle E. Kauffman                Maj          800
Nicholas S. King                Maj          H99
Jonathan E. Knight              Maj          NBU
Joshua E. Langham               Maj          1QH
Erick C. Laque                  Maj          1K4
Chase T. Laurita                Maj          S7F
Quentin M. Leday                Maj          1CC
Jong M. Lee                     Maj          TMH
Justin E. Lenio                 Maj          1R5
Joshua A. Letteer               Maj          1C1
Laura R. Lindenthal             Maj          1F1
Jeffrey P. Magnussen            Maj          1NE
Zachary S. Maravillas           Maj          U18
Jonathon R. Marsh               Maj          J9Z
Matthew R. Massman              Maj          1PG
Jacob T. Mathieson              Maj          TRM
Erin D. Mathis                  Maj          S8D
Royse W. Mayo                   Maj          VR1
Adam L. McCoy                   Maj          116
Ian T. McKechnie                Maj          TZ7
Kyle K. McLeod                  Maj          L38
Nicholas K. Moeller             Maj          145
Suzanne L. Mulet                Maj          1WW
Ameen A. Nasser                 Maj          G78
Nathaniel P. Navaro             Maj          TX1
Thomas S. Nell                  Maj          K02
Christopher M. Nguyen           Maj          TCJ
Wesley M. Nix                   Maj          K89
Scott W. Noonan                 Maj          1F1
Roger G. Pierce                 Maj          TZ7
Benjamin E. Radcliff            Maj          B64
Alexander M. Ponce              Maj          1NJ
Brian R. Raike                  Maj          D67
Christopher A. Robbins          Maj          121
Matthew S. Roland               Maj          G78
Ryan M. Roop                    Maj          1CM
Robert H. Ryland                Maj          K71
Nicholas J. Scarsella           Maj          1L3
Brandan R. Schofield            Maj          1GF
Luke W. Scholl                  Maj          R22
Joshua W. Sedlock               Maj          TMG
Matthew J. Simpson              Maj          J54
Curtis A. Smith                 Maj          R08
Jonathan S. Smith               Maj          J64
Joshua B. Soltan                Maj          VR1
Matthew T. Sommer               Maj          TSL
Danny D. Sorrells               Maj          V8A
Clinton R. Staschke             Maj          078
Nathan W. Stinson               Maj          B58
Laura A. Swanson                Maj          15A
Michael P. Sweaney              Maj          VH1
Jason A. Taylor                 Maj          017
Bryan A. Thompson               Maj          1JW
Veronica A. Tijerina            Maj          1CE
Kevin P. Tracy                  Maj          VF2
Owen T. Trotman                 Maj          1Y1
Nolan R. Utterback              Maj          1VD
Travis J. Voneps                Maj          084
Michael J. Wagaman              Maj          K47
Brett J. Warming                Maj          K84
Kristina F. Warren              Maj          QAQ
Matthew D. Weinberg             Maj          1C0
Ian M. Welpe                    Maj          H99
Sean R. Wetherill               Maj          029
Philip M. Wheat                 Maj          V61
Wyatt E. Wilson                 Maj          1G7
Nathan R. Winings               Maj          1J2
Clinton L. Woods                Maj          KEB
Zachary S. Yoxtheimer           Maj          1MX
Justin H. Adams                 Capt         SAP
Quincy J. Adams                 Capt         V12
Anthony C. Alexander            Capt         J9V
Jacob P. Amon                   Capt         1NK
Shane A. Arena                  Capt         1FR
William J. Ashby                Capt         1JH
Cameron M. Baird                Capt         041
Christopher I. Banach           Capt         S3A
Shawn I. Banani                 Capt         1J2
Harrison E. Barnes              Capt         15B
Jonathan L. Barrau              Capt         VHD
Andrew C. Bartek                Capt         1WW
Austin R. Batiste               Capt         268
James S. Bigger                 Capt         1QD
Jordan M. Boyland               Capt         KA7
Virginia J. Burger              Capt         078
Tyler M. Burke                  Capt         VLC
Jamie S. Bush II                Capt         1PN
Robert W. Cannon, Jr.           Capt         022
JohnAdrian A. Castro            Capt         1W2
Howard M. Chan                  Capt         1U9
Cassidy F. Chaney               Capt         092
Matthew L. Chavez               Capt         VLC
Camille N. Condit               Capt         V63
Michaela A. Connally            Capt         122
Douglas M. Conwell              Capt         VMD
Kyle R. Cuddeford               Capt         1G9
Christopher D. Day              Capt         041
JeanFelix DeFournoy, Jr.        Capt         1EG
Kristine H. Doan                Capt         VHA
Reuben A. Druckrey              Capt         1PJ
Dryn H. Dubois                  Capt         VHD
Kyle J. Durand                  Capt         1PB
Brendan T. Durkin               Capt         V14
Zachary D. Elsner               Capt         V32
Wesley J. Giudice               Capt         VH1
Justin M. Gorlaski              Capt         C28
William N. Grammer II           Capt         K89
Rachel D. Griffin               Capt         VHB
David J. Groh                   Capt         VME
Julian V. Hagberg               Capt         VRA
Hunter C. Harrell               Capt         1R1
Glendrevio V. Harris            Capt         A95
Kerri L. Hartmann               Capt         040
Connor J. Higgins               Capt         VMD
Michael P. Higgins              Capt         1ML
Michael J. Jacobson             Capt         1RA
Karah M. Jaeb                   Capt         VHE
Nikolas A. Jaqua                Capt         1NE
Andrew J. Junio                 Capt         VMB
James D. Kang                   Capt         VHE
Andrew J. Karas                 Capt         KAP
Eric B. Kellogg                 Capt         KAT
William H. Kelly                Capt         1JZ
Andrew S. Kim                   Capt         VLD
Mario A. Kohn                   Capt         VM2
Breanna V. Kolbe                Capt         1PA
Jacob G. Koscil                 Capt         VLC
John R. Kroon                   Capt         199
Nathan C. Kwon                  Capt         D10
Pierre T. Lambard               Capt         VHB
Zachary W. Laniewski            Capt         1UV
John H. Lapoint IV              Capt         239
James F. Lawson                 Capt         1QA
Alexander J. Lee                Capt         VLB
Barbara A. Lesko                Capt         VH1
Derrick V. Lewis II             Capt         995
Charles M. Lindinger            Capt         VM6
Robert C. Locker, Jr.           Capt         111
Jourdan B. Looney               Capt         966
Victor M. MaciasAngel           Capt         1HN
Lucas J. MacLellan              Capt         040
Alejandro Maldonado             Capt         H99
John R. Marino                  Capt         1HL
Karen V. Martin                 Capt         1WX
Nicholas H. Martin              Capt         VM1
Nicholas A. Martinez            Capt         J54
Anthony D. Mayes                Capt         013
Marc A. Meier                   Capt         VMA
Juliana B. Mellgard             Capt         R02
Andrew N. Mendez                Capt         1HM
Eric T. Menholt                 Capt         1HN
Christina M. Metzler            Capt         1F2
James P. Michael                Capt         UAN
Kennan R. Miller                Capt         V37
Bradford A. Mills               Capt         1GR
Barrett C. Mistele              Capt         V25
Rex A. Montes                   Capt         1V2
Ryan L. Moody                   Capt         1F7
Joshua D. Moore                 Capt         1HK
Alexander D. Morales            Capt         124
Jackson P. Morgan               Capt         VLA
Cameron B. Morris               Capt         1Y1
Amanda N. Mulkey                Capt         069
Codi A. Mullen                  Capt         H99
Tyler V. Muniz                  Capt         1EC
Chase R. Munoz                  Capt         1J3
Nicholas M. Musquiz             Capt         1G0
Jacob T. Natalie                Capt         VM3
Zachary T. Nelson               Capt         VM5
Conor W. Newton                 Capt         V16
Miguel A. Nieves II             Capt         J59
Patrick K. Nolan                Capt         1F7
Christien T. Oman               Capt         C47
Bethany M. Park                 Capt         15C
Dustin Pechler                  Capt         1TV
Blake E. Peek                   Capt         1XC
Samuel A. Peters                Capt         1HM
Evan Phillips                   Capt         VRA
Justin R. Prendergast           Capt         VM1
Manuel A. Ramirez               Capt         041
Carter J. Reading               Capt         VH1
Sean M. Reilly                  Capt         233
Alexia C. Ricketts              Capt         1ML
Christopher J. Robertson        Capt         1XC
Conner D. Robertson             Capt         1HN
Jorge L. Rodriguez, Jr.         Capt         994
Chad J. Rogers                  Capt         V25
Samantha Rosales                Capt         1CH
David A. Roy                    Capt         1JM
Elizabeth A. Rullan             Capt         1EC
Vannara R. Sakbun, Jr.          Capt         KAB
Alberto F. SalaBarria           Capt         V16
Austin P. Sanchez               Capt         013
James D. Sands II               Capt         J9W
Bernard R. Sarra                Capt         1J2
Michael A. Scaccia              Capt         139
Heather E. Schmidt              Capt         J9W
Sara N. Shea                    Capt         1A5
Thomas A. Shiiba                Capt         VM3
Nicholas A. Sloan               Capt         VMH
Samuel E. Sorenson              Capt         V26
Seth A. Sotelo                  Capt         040
Kirstin M. Spann                Capt         K20
Laura J. Stromback              Capt         VR1
Sohrob SullivanDavachi          Capt         VMD
Ben A. Tamburello III           Capt         1J0
Andre M. Truss                  Capt         1JT
Jonah Z. Tucker                 Capt         15S
Robert A. Vachon                Capt         15A
Joseph M. Vandegrift            Capt         VLA
Philip J. Villani               Capt         VMB
Benjamin R. Weisberg            Capt         VLC
Alexis G. West                  Capt         167
Andrew S. Whisner               Capt         1RX
Austin J. Whitehead             Capt         121
Scott L. Whitley                Capt         J54
Thomas C. Wilson                Capt         UKT
Brandon M. Winters              Capt         VME
David D. Won                    Capt         H99
4.  Under the provisions of section 5589 of ref (a), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named limited duty officers (LDO) to the grade indicated.  Rank, pay, and allowances are effective from 1 October 2020.
Name                            Grade        MCC
Gerald E. Pirk, Jr.             LtCol        007
Robert T. Davis                 Maj          122
Daniel E. Fuson                 Maj          1JV
James D. Leibee                 Maj          1G7
Richard R. Olsen                Maj          T52
5.  Under the provisions of section 14308 of ref (a), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named active reserve (AR) officers to the grade indicated.  Rank, pay, and allowances are effective from 1 October 2020.
Name                            Grade        MCC
Todd N. Paulson                 LtCol        1C0
Jonathan P. Reed                LtCol        S8D
Robert T. Moore                 LtCol        S8F
Justin D. Owens                 LtCol        QAG
Angel Alfaro                    Maj          034
Lindsay K. Bartucco             Maj          J64
Markis B. Frye                  Maj          082
Robert T. Rupp                  Maj          063
Thayne G. Stiefvater            Maj          004
6.  Under the provisions of section 14308 of ref (a), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named reserve officers to the grade indicated.  Rank, pay, and allowances are effective from 1 October 2020.
Name                            Grade        MCC
William M. Blocker II           Col          1F1
David C. Cox                    Col          S11
David J. Fennell                Col          143
Brandon J. Frazee               Col          S0D
Ramin M. Olson                  Col          NGW
Adam N. Subervi                 Col          T89
Shea S. Allen                   LtCol        NHD
Michael E. Barnett              LtCol        SP2
Daniel L. Bartlett              LtCol        1RA
Matthew J. Bauman               LtCol        143
Robert M. Biddle III            LtCol        S6E
Brooks W. Boehlert              LtCol        068
Michael K. Burke                LtCol        TMJ
Joshua E. Carpenter             LtCol        S6E
Dustin B. Elliott               LtCol        S4E
Jose B. Garza, Jr.              LtCol        S8B
Masato E. Itoh                  LtCol        110
Stephen J. Kopach               LtCol        T30
Jason R. Leshikar               LtCol        S8E
Adam D. Lynch                   LtCol        070
Alexander S. Martin             LtCol        A00
Michael W. Rauseo               LtCol        1EM
Rachel N. Ackley                Maj          SL5
Gordon E. Adams                 Maj          U20
Justin J. Adare                 Maj          S15
Alisa K. Albrecht               Maj          TRG
Luke D. Almendinger             Maj          QAR
Jose D. Alvarez                 Maj          1C1
James T. Atkinson               Maj          SAP
Ben A. Barnes                   Maj          QBN
Kevin N. Barrett                Maj          SAP
Kalea M. Bayer                  Maj          SAP
Brittney R. Bennett             Maj          IRR
Mia N. Blundetto                Maj          IRR
Martin D. Bordelon              Maj          SL3
Murphy A. Bright                Maj          SLD
Ethan A. Brooks                 Maj          IRR
Andrew T. Burger                Maj          IRR
Tyler S. Burke                  Maj          IRR
Samuel L. Capps                 Maj          IRR
Leslie A. Capuano               Maj          IRR
Charles R. Carafano             Maj          IRR
Joshua W. Ching                 Maj          014
Joseph J. Clark, Jr.            Maj          IRR
Andrew H. Collver               Maj          IRR
Francis J. Coppola              Maj          070
Thomas M. Cryer                 Maj          110
Eric F. Dambra                  Maj          S2R
Luke W. Davis                   Maj          IRR
Timothy P. Dean                 Maj          IRR
Ryan J. Dekay                   Maj          SNG
Joshua D. Dewalt                Maj          1F1
Daniel T. Dewit                 Maj          IRR
Shannon T. Donlon               Maj          S3H
Brigham T. Doud                 Maj          IRR
Brian L. Farrell                Maj          QAR
Morgan A. Gardner               Maj          SDS
Robert I. Goldaris              Maj          QAR
David S. Greenberg              Maj          IRR
Timothy R. Greene               Maj          SJ5
Noah D. Gutierrez               Maj          SJE
Matthew J. Hanley               Maj          IRR
Kevin M. Hannay                 Maj          S0X
Enrique R. Harris               Maj          SM3
Patrick C. Heery                Maj          IRR
Kurt A. Hoenig                  Maj          SJ7
Kevin J. Holt                   Maj          IRR
Ryan H. Homire                  Maj          S6D
Alexander N. Hurren             Maj          S0E
Thomas S. Hwang                 Maj          IRR
Megan L. Johnson                Maj          063
Joseph H. Kaczmarek             Maj          IRR
Matthew S. Kaylor               Maj          IRR
John D. Kelleher III            Maj          IRR
Alic M. Kelso                   Maj          SGH
Ryan K. Kirby                   Maj          SP2
Richard W. Klingner             Maj          E84
Brian J. Kluckman               Maj          IRR
Michael T. Kromm                Maj          S2C
Luke A. Larios                  Maj          SD6
Michael T. Larson               Maj          1C1
Adam C. Lawrenz                 Maj          U20
David N. Lochart                Maj          S0D
Joseph P. Lucas                 Maj          IRR
James T. Magenheimer            Maj          818
Michael J. Maresh               Maj          1RA
Douglas R. Martin               Maj          QAR
William D. McAloon              Maj          IRR
Christopher B. McDade           Maj          IRR
David F. McGee                  Maj          S2H
Alexander H. McIntosh           Maj          S3F
Andrew C. Mercurio              Maj          S5Y
Joshua P. Miller                Maj          944
Nathan J. Mironas               Maj          IRR
Sean M. Monks                   Maj          SHE
Elizabeth D. Moskowitz          Maj          124
Charles Z. Newcomb              Maj          094
Jeremiah C. Olver               Maj          1C0
John M. Paul                    Maj          SJF
Jose I. Perez                   Maj          IRR
Sterling T. Perkins             Maj          SKB
Matthew R. Philpott             Maj          S6M
Brian M. Pierson                Maj          SLP
Samantha M. Pollock             Maj          S8R
Jeffrey A. Reilly               Maj          008
David H. Rencurrel              Maj          IRR
Ryan M. Rice                    Maj          IRR
James P. Rooney III             Maj          IRR
Brett C. Rosvold                Maj          017
Benjamin P. Royal               Maj          IRR
Scott E. Samuelson              Maj          SN4
Andrew R. Schaffer              Maj          QAM
Corey L. Showalter              Maj          122
Kyle A. Sicher                  Maj          IRR
Ryan J. Small                   Maj          S7L
Mia C. Stender                  Maj          QLA
Kevin P. Towler                 Maj          IRR
Dewayne J. Townsend             Maj          SAP
Elizabeth Trujillo              Maj          IRR
Alexander M. Tsusaki            Maj          IRR
Michael C. Wade                 Maj          S2D
William D. Walter               Maj          110
Nathaniel J. Webster            Maj          SJ9
Trevor T. White                 Maj          098
James D. Woolley                Maj          S6H
Robert W. Wynkoop               Maj          IRR
Chelsea R. Allen                Capt         S25
Steven J. Arango                Capt         HAB
Benjamin J. Axelrod             Capt         IRR
Brian P. Baldini                Capt         1F2
Rummer R. Bershtein             Capt         IRR
Fredrik C. Bolinder             Capt         IRR
Spencer D. Brosseau             Capt         IRR
Austin J. Bury                  Capt         IRR
Luke J. Carraway                Capt         IRR
Hunton P. Carroll               Capt         SD9
Lacey J. Castleberry            Capt         S14
Luke A. Collins                 Capt         IRR
Peter B. Cuderman               Capt         19F
Luis G. Cuellar, Jr.            Capt         IRR
Zachary J. Esparza              Capt         IRR
Bhody K. Gatchalian             Capt         IRR
Michael L. Goulden              Capt         IRR
Corey D. Graves                 Capt         IRR
Tanner E. Griffith              Capt         SN6
Garrett J. Gundy                Capt         IRR
Dakota J. Heidmann              Capt         IRR
Omar HernandezGarcia            Capt         SJ3
Alicia M. Himes                 Capt         IRR
Alexander J. Irwin              Capt         IRR
Joshua D. Jones                 Capt         HAB
Dillon B. Layman                Capt         IRR
Michael S. Lowinger             Capt         IRR
Miguel A. Mendoza               Capt         S8X
Marc A. Noel                    Capt         IRR
Jacob L. Price                  Capt         IRR
Jose M. Ramos, Jr.              Capt         IRR
Vincent J. Salem                Capt         HAB
Daniel J. Shomsky               Capt         SK8
Tori S. Simenec                 Capt         IRR
Shane F. Smulsky                Capt         SCC
Heidi L. Swisher                Capt         IRR
John J. Waldron                 Capt         SIW
William M. West II              Capt         T30
7.  Under the provisions of section 578 of refs (a) and (c), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotions of the following named regular officers as indicated, to the permanent grade of Chief Warrant Officer Five (CWO5) through Chief Warrant Officer Three (CWO3).  Rank, pay, and allowances are effective from 1 October 2020.
Name                            Grade        MCC
Fabian A. Marin                 CWO5         092
Michael R. OBrien               CWO5         007
David A. Pedraza                CWO5         QAT
Michael J. Rodriguez            CWO5         145
Mauricio R. Torres              CWO5         J33
Gabriel L. Swank                CWO4         1EM
Christopher W. Hand             CWO3         15D
8.  Under the provisions of section 12242 of references (a) and (c), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named reserve officers as indicated, to the permanent grade of Chief Warrant Officer Five (CWO5) through Chief Warrant Officer Three (CWO3).  Rank, pay, and allowances are effective from 1 October 2020.
Name                            Grade        MCC
Edward F. Skrobiszewski         CWO5         IRR
Richard T. Martin               CWO4         IRR
Terry L. Miller                 CWO4         S2N
John W. Peskuski                CWO4         IRR
Ryan C. Roentsch                CWO4         S14
John D. Stasiak                 CWO3         IRR
9.  Delay of Promotion.  Per refs (b) and (h), if the respective commanding officer determines that an officer is not mentally, physically, morally, or professionally qualified for promotion, the promotion shall not be effected.  This includes the physical examination requirement for reserve officers per section 10206 ref (a).  The  officer shall be given written notice of the grounds for delay before the effective date of the appointment, unless it is impracticable to do so, in which case the notice shall be given as soon as practicable.  CMC (MMPR-1) must also be notified prior to the effective date of the appointment so that the promotion will not be effected in Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) and administrative action can be initiated.  Refs (a), (b), (c), and (e) contain guidelines for the timely submission of supporting documentation.
10.  Retirement and Transfer.  Officers considering voluntary retirement should review ref (d) for service obligation prior to acceptance of promotion.  An officer's selection for promotion carries over into the reserve, between AR and SMCR-IRR, and with augmentation into the regular component.
11.  Accepting and Declining Promotion.  Any regular or reserve officer who is promoted under the refs is considered to have accepted such promotion on the effective date contained in paragraphs 3 through 8 (for purposes of date of rank, pay, and allowances in the grade to which promoted).  To decline a promotion, an officer is required to submit a letter of declination to CMC (MMPR-1) expressly at the time their command notifies them of their promotion and directs that they begin wearing the insignia of the next higher grade.  Any statement or action by the officer which signals their acceptance of the promotion, forever waives their right to decline.
12.  The following FY20 promotions are projected for November 2020 and are subject to change.  Promotions from the remaining FY20 boards will be promulgated based on vacancy determination.
            Senior Officer        Sel    Junior                Sel
Capt        J. P. Granderson      1419   A. J. Zlogar          1517
MOS: 0170   none                  none   none                  none
MOS: 0210   list cleared                 list cleared
MOS: 0630   list cleared                 list cleared
MOS: 1120   list cleared                 list cleared
MOS: 0630   list cleared                 list cleared
MOS: 6004   none                  none   none                  none
MOS: 3510   H. D. Milton III      7      H. D. Milton III      7
MOS: 6604   none                  none   none                  none
13.  The following FY21 promotions are projected for November 2020 and are subject to change.  Promotions from the remaining FY21 boards will be promulgated based on vacancy determination and senate confirmation.
            Senior Officer        Sel    Junior                Sel
Col         D. T. Fields          60     B. M. Harvey          64
Col (AR)    none                  none   none                  none
Col (R)     A. H. Snowden         16     C. T. Montgomery      21
LtCol       B. M. Parente         195    J. J. Colwell         219
LtCol (LDO)
MOS: 2102   R. M. Cleveland       2      R. M. Cleveland       2
MOS: 2802   none                  none   none                  none
LtCol (AR)  J. Burke              4      B. Perry              4.5
LtCol (R)   J. T. Dirico          67     T. P. Martin          82
Maj         W. C. Paffett         625    T. M. Wilson          675
Maj (LDO)
MOS: 0430   list cleared                 list cleared
MOS: 2802   C. A. Wolf            6      C. A. Wolf            6
MOS: 6302   none                  none   none                  none
Maj (AR)    J. J. Hastings        7      J. J. Hastings        7
Maj (R)     C. A. Perry           266    J. A. Braith          277
Capt        R. D. Gross           1      A. C. Shoemaker       96
Capt (R)    R. Duran              29.9   K. L. Boy             35
CWO5 (R)
MOS: 2110   list cleared                 list cleared
CWO4 (R)   
MOS: 0210   list cleared                 list cleared
MOS: 5702   none                  none   none                  none
MOS: 5910   list cleared                 list cleared
MOS: 6302   list cleared                 list cleared
MOS: 7002   list cleared                 list cleared
CWO3 (R)
MOS: 0205   list cleared                 list cleared
14.  For Marine officer promotion matters call Comm (703) 784-9706 or DSN 278-9706.  Email inquiries may be submitted via the Promotion Branch's internet web page at  Email address is
15.  Per ref (i), material can be mailed to Marine Corps History Division (HDR), 3078 Upshur Avenue, Quantico, Virginia, 22134.  POC is Ms. Annette Amerman at Comm (703) 432-4875 or DSN 378-4875.  Email address is
16.  Release authorized by BGen Michael J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//