Date Signed: 6/22/2021 | MARADMINS Number: 316/21
MARADMINS : 316/21

R 171906Z JUN 21
MARADMIN 316/21 
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  This message solicits nominations for the following six awards:
A.  Gunnery Sergeant Carlos N. Hathcock II Award:  Awarded to an enlisted Marine who has made an outstanding contribution to the improvement of marksmanship training.
B.  Sergeant Major Wilbur Bestwick Award:  Awarded to an enlisted Marine in a Ground Combat Element of the operating forces who has made an outstanding contribution to increased combat readiness within the organization.
C.  Sergeant Harry D. Myers Award:  Awarded to an enlisted Marine in a Combat Service Support Element of the operating forces who has made a significant contribution to increased combat readiness within the organization.
D.  Sergeant Major Frederick B. Douglass Award:  Awarded to an enlisted Marine in an Aviation Combat Element of the operating forces who has made a significant contribution to increased combat readiness within the organization.
E.  Chief Hospital Corpsman George William 'Doc' Piercy Award:  Awarded to a Navy corpsman or dental technician in a ground, logistic, or aviation element of the operating forces, who has made a significant contribution to increased combat medical readiness within the organization.
F.  Marine Corps Reservist of the Year Award:  Awarded to an enlisted Marine Corps reservist who, while serving with the Marine Corps Reserve, has made an outstanding contribution to combat readiness within the organization.
2.  All commands are encouraged to submit nominations for these awards.  To ensure that a sufficient amount of nominations are received, it is requested that Marine Corps Forces Command (MARFORCOM), Marine Corps Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC), and Marine Corps Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) provide at least one nomination for each category.  Nominations of individual mobilization augmentees (IMA) for the reservist of the year must be submitted through the reservists operational sponsor (e.g. MARFORCOM, MARFORPAC, etc.).  Nominations for reservists assigned to MARFORRES units will be submitted via their chain of command to MARFORRES.
3.  Nominations must reflect either sustained performance or a specific individual act.  The contribution must have been made during calendar year 2020.  Nominations must be fully substantiated and include:
3.A.  All appropriate endorsements.  Nominations should be sent to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Communication Directorate, Community Relations Branch.  The first General officer in the nominee's chain of command must endorse the nomination.  Additional endorsements beyond that are not required.  The first officer in the nominee's chain of command must certify that the nominee meets appropriate service standards, to include height and weight, fitness or readiness tests, and that the nominee is not facing disciplinary action.
3.B.  Nomination letter.  A command nomination letter in standard letter format that includes a brief narrative justifying the nomination and the following personal information of the nominee.
3.B.1.  Full name, rank, and Military Occupation Specialty Code.
3.B.2.  Current duty station and assignment.
3.B.3.  Current duty address, work email, and work telephone.
3.B.4.  Time in service.
3.B.5.  Name and address of the unit in which he or she was serving when contribution was made.
3.B.6.  Name of unit officer-in-charge and his or her contact phone number and email address.
3.C.  Additional enclosures.  In addition to the nomination letter and endorsement, each submission must include the following as separate enclosures:
3.C.1.  Nominee's biography, containing pertinent military background prior to period or event for which he or she is being nominated.
3.C.2.  A written and signed statement of expressed consent by the nominee, authorizing release of information contained in the nomination package, per the privacy act of 1974.  The following statement is a sample of written consent:  I, rank and full name, do hereby authorize the release of all information enclosed in this nomination package to those persons involved in the selection process.
4.  A sample nomination package is available via the Marine Corps website by copying and pasting the following URL into the web browser https:(slash slash)www.marines.mil/Portals/1/Docs/comrel/MC%20LEAGUE%20ENLISTED%20AWARDS%20-%20SAMPLE%20NOMINATION%20PKG.pdf.  Any submissions which do not follow the above guidelines or are received after the deadline (see para. 7) will not be considered.
5.  Award submissions will be sent to the Marine Corps League for their review and selection of the recipients of the six categories.  Upon completion of the selection process, commands and selected awardees will be notified and a MARADMIN will be released to announce the selected award recipients.
6.  Submissions.  All nominations should be sent electronically via email to:  hqmc.comrel@usmc.mil using PDF files with the following subject line:  2021 Enlisted Awards Program (name of award category) ICO (rank and name).
7.  Deadline.  CD must receive nomination packages no later than 6 August 2021.  No extensions or exceptions will be granted.
8.  The Marine Corps League will provide selected award recipients with travel and lodging for themselves and a family member.  Awards will be presented by the 38th Commandant of the Marine Corps, General David H. Berger, and the 19th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Troy E. Black, during the Modern Day Marine Exposition Enlisted Awards Parade, taking place on 22 September 2021 at MCB Quantico, VA. Full details for selected awardees will be provided via SEPCOR. 
9.  Release authorized by BGen G. B Rowell IV, Director of Communication, HQMC.//