12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year nominations due

7 Mar 2013 | Gloria Kwizera

Nominations for the 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year are due to the Air Force Personnel Center by April 2, AFPC officials said today.

The three categories for award are Airman, Noncommissioned Officer and Senior NCO. Major commands and the Air Force District of Washington may each nominate one candidate per category.

Nominations must include examples of leadership and job performance in the nominee's primary duty, significant self-improvement and base or community involvement accomplished between Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2012.

Organization and base-level personnel must contact their MAJCOM, field operating agency, direct-reporting unit or MAJCOM equivalent for applicable suspense dates, and final nominations are due to AFPC by April 2.

All nominees must be enlisted in the Air Force through Sept. 30, 2014. Nominees projected to separate prior to that date must extend or reenlist in the Air Force to remain eligible. Local military personnel section officials may approve or disapprove extensions for the purpose of the 12 OAY program.

Nominees who extend their enlistment for the 12 OAY program and who are not selected may cancel their extensions through their local military personnel section.

For more information on Air Force recognition programs and other personnel issues, visit the myPers website at https://mypers.af.mil.