1,000-plus officers to be considered for command

14 Nov 2012 | Debbie Gildea

More than 1,000 officers from 10 career fields are on the calendar year 2013 squadron commander candidate list, Air Force officials announced today.

Functional developmental teams meet annually at AFPC to consider eligible officers for squadron command opportunities. Basic eligibility requirements include functional expertise, grade requirements and permanent change of station eligibility. For more specific career field requirements, officers should refer to the appropriate career field page on the myPers website at https://myPers.af.mil.

"Squadron commanders have a fundamental role in the success of our Air Force today," said Joseph Marchino, AFPC assignments manager. "It's where the rubber meets the road in terms of impacting day-to-day operations, and it's a major step in the development of Air Force leaders."

Wing hiring officials, major command functional managers and Air Force Personnel Center assignment teams will use the candidate lists to fill projected 2013 squadron commander vacancies, with those selection results tentatively planned for a late January release.

"It's important to note," Marchino adds, "not all officers on these candidate lists will get command assignments. Development teams typically select more qualified officers than projected vacancies to account for a variety of unprojected events."

Officers who are not selected for command remain on the candidate list, eligible for any unprojected command opportunities that arise throughout the year.

To see the candidate list, go to http://www.afpc.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-121114-026.pdf. For information about command opportunities and other personnel issues, go to https://mypers.af.mil.