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U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Wilson T. Southerland, a pilot with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 251, stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, S.C., receives assistance with his Joint Protective Aircrew Ensemble (JPACE) and Respirator equipment at MCAS Iwakuni, Japan, Sept. 29, 2017. VMFA-251 has intensified training on familiarizing aircrew members with the JPACE, a pilot’s Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Defense equipment, while still maintaining focus on the squadron’s mission.

Photo by Cpl. Joseph Abrego

VMFA-251 pilots maintain CBRN equipment skills during training drills

2 Oct 2017 | by Cpl. Joseph Abrego The Official United States Marine Corps Public Website

Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 251, also known as the “Thunderbolts”, stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina, continue to showcase unit readiness through training for every possible scenario, while forward deployed to MCAS Iwakuni, Japan. 

The Thunderbolts have intensified training on familiarizing aircrew members with the Joint Protective Aircrew Ensemble (JPACE) and respirator, a pilot’s Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Defense equipment, while still maintaining focus on the squadron’s mission. 

“The mission of VMFA-251 is to destroy surface targets and enemy aircraft, day or night, under all weather conditions, during expeditionary, joint and combined operations,” said U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Christopher Melling, the pilot training officer with VMFA-251. “Training to flying in a ‘dirty’ environment truly allows for operations in any environment.”

Although gear is added to a pilot’s standard loadout, the training proves efficient with minimal effects to their capabilities. 

“Due to the additional accoutrement with the gear, aircrew personnel have to adjust to where certain survival equipment sits and will be accessible,” said Melling. “The flight equipment Marines are the true heavy lifters in preparing the gear and assisting aircrew with donning the equipment. In truth, there is virtually no adjustment to normal operating procedures. The protective gloves offer the same level of tactile feedback. The onboard oxygen system interface with the equipment is identical, and even the ability to use night vison goggles is the same.”

The unorthodox, but necessary, style of training enhances readiness, while ensuring the safety of Marines and establishing comfort in an unfamiliar environment. 

Focused on their mission and supporting their allies, VMFA-251 will continue to build efficiency while operating in JPACE and maintain proficiency in all other aspects of warfare. 

“In these times of uncertainty, there are few absolutes,” said Melling. “One of them is that the Marines and sailors of VMFA-251 stand ready to protect and defend our current home, MCAS Iwakuni, from any threat at any time.”

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