Photo Information

U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Collin Bish, landing support and air delivery officer in charge, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and Lance Cpl. Angel D. Marmolejo, a transmission system operator with Combat Logistics Battalion 31, 31st MEU, establish a communications network while participating in mass casualty response training on Ie Shima, Feb. 10, 2022. The mass casualty response mission allows the 31st MEU to reach victims of an attack, natural disaster or other emergent events when local medical and reactionary forces are unable to provide proper medical care. The 31st MEU is operating aboard ships of the Expeditionary Strike Group in the 7th fleet area of operations to enhance interoperability with allies and partners, and serve as a ready response force to defend peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Manuel Alvarado)

Photo by Lance Cpl. Manuel Alvarado

Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps speaks on Force Design 2030 Initiatives

1 Mar 2022 | The Official United States Marine Corps Public Website

Gen. Eric Smith, the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, spoke on Force Design 2030 initiatives Feb. 28, prior to traveling to Marine Corps Base Hawaii for the re-designation ceremony of 3rd Marine Regiment to 3rd Marine Littoral Regiment.  


Smith is scheduled to speak at the ceremony March 3, which will mark the designation of 3rd MLR as the first littoral regiment in the Marine Corps. 


“This capability is absolutely necessary to be able to compete, deter, and defeat an adversary or peer competitor,” said Smith. “We’re equipping training and organizing them so they’re able to deploy tonight – and I mean tonight – to do what they need to do.” 


The Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger directed the redesignation of 3rd MLR in his Force Design 2030 initiative. The MLR structure is a key priority of the 38th Commandant’s Planning Guidance. 


The MLR is organized, trained, and equipped to support sea control and sea denial operations as part of a modernized force integrated with the U.S. Navy, other elements of the Joint Force, and allied and partnered forces. 


As 3rd MLR becomes fully operational, the unit will specialize in modernized warfighting concepts to include: long-range fires; extended range intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; communication; and radar. The unit is designed to be highly mobile via surface vessels and aircraft.   


“We owe the combatant commander the capability now…to deter and change the trajectory of the adversary. We can’t wait until the adversary reaches their full potential, we have to change that trajectory now,” said Smith. 


3rd MLR will continue to train and evolve to be ready to fight as part of 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force. All lineage and honors from 3rd Marine Regiment will transfer to 3rd MLR, allowing the re-designated unit to carry on the proud tradition of one of the Marine Corps’ most storied regiments. 

To read more about the Marine Corps' Force Design 2030 Initiatives, click here.