Marine Administrative Message 175/15

13 May 2015 | Cpl. J. Gage Karwick The Official United States Marine Corps Public Website

Marine administrative message 174/15 announces the convening of Fiscal Year 2016 Reserve Command Screening Board and Reserve Senior Leader Board. 

Fiscal Year 16 RCSB and RSLB will convene Aug. 10, 2015 for Reserve component colonels and colonels select, and Aug. 17, 2015 for Reserve component lieutenant colonels and lieutenant colonels select. The boards will select RC officers for designated command and Reserve senior leader billets projected to be available between Oct. 1, 2015, and Sep. 30, 2016. 

Reserve senior billets are not designated command billets but are of a great responsibility. Therefore, applicants applying for Reserve senior leader billets are governed by the same competitive criteria and requirements for command.

Each board will select a number of primaries equal to the number of available billets from a list of eligible RC officers. The board will also select a sufficient number of qualified alternates to meet manpower requirements that may arise when selected officers decline or otherwise cannot accept. 

Primary and alternate selectees will be forwarded to the Commandant of the Marine Corps for approval. Once the proposed slates are approved, the board will announce the results via MARADMIN. 

For more information on requirements and availabilities, see the MARADMIN.