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SOG captures outstanding unit award

26 Nov 2008 | 353rd Special Operations Group reports

The 353rd Special Operations Group recently earned the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with Valor for exceptionally meritorious service from Oct. 1, 2006 to Sept. 30, 2008. 

Airmen may wear the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with the "V" device for valor if they were assigned to the 353rd SOG, 1st Special Operations Squadron, 17th Special Operations Squadron, 320th Special Tactics Squadron, 353rd Maintenance Squadron or 353rd Operations Support Squadron for any portion of the award period.

"This award is a small representation of the tremendous efforts of the Air Commandos during the past two years," said Col. David Mullins, the 353rd SOG commander. "The contributions the men and women of the group have made to operations in multiple areas of responsibility truly deserve this recognition."

Members of the 353rd SOG filled the need for special operations forces in the nation's largest theater while simultaneously supporting the Republic of Philippines security forces in their fight against terror, and conducting combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan supporting the Global War on Terror by flying more than 950 combat hours, moving more than 3 million pounds of cargo, transporting almost 7,000 personnel, and conducting the first-ever high altitude, low opening parachute drop in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

The group also supported numerous Joint Chiefs of Staff exercises, Joint Combined Exchange Training opportunities and group training events, accumulated more than 4,200 flying hours without a Class A or B mishap, and earned an overall "Excellent" rating during its 2008 Operational Readiness Inspection.

The group capped off the award period by conducting a heroic rescue mission airdropping pararescuemen and a combat controller in the middle of the night from an MC-130H Combat Talon II to save two injured crewmembers on a commercial freighter about 750 miles from Guam.

This award marks the tenth time the 353rd SOG has earned the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award, four of which include the "V" device for valor.

Personnel officials will conduct mass updates to personnel records system to eligible members still assigned to the group and its subordinate units. Updates should be evident in the Virtual MPF within 60 days. Members no longer assigned to the 353rd SOG should contact their local personnel element in order to have the award added to their records.

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