CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. -- Marines of 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, celebrate the Marine Corp’s 245th Birthday, heritage, and traditions during the unit’s cake-cutting ceremony while adhering to COVID precautions at Camp Pendleton, California, November 9.
The ceremony’s Guest of Honor was U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Major (Ret.) Brad Kasal. SgtMaj Kasal reflected on the importance of remembering our history and what we do for the nation. He further spoke of the impact logistics has on the battlefield by remembering, “all of the Marines who worked behind the scenes to get all of the logistics brought forward to people like me to do their job.”
1st MLG leadership offered statements to commemorate the occasion.
“Every year the Marine Corps pauses whether in combat, garrison, or forward deployed to celebrate our Corps' birth – this year is no different in that regard. Due to COVID-19, we have adjusted the way we recognize excellence and observe traditions” stated Sergeant Major Stennett Rey, 1st MLG Sergeant Major, about the event. “Today's ceremony is an example of our ability to adapt and remain flexible to the ever-changing environment. We will celebrate our 245th birthday by conducting a small cake cutting ceremony where we will recognize the oldest and youngest Marines; listen to our current Commandant's and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps message, and reflect on the timeless message of our 13th commandant. We honor the past, look forward to the future and recognize that the common thread that binds us all is service to a cause much bigger than ourselves.”
“The last 245 years of Naval integration has proven that we are a flexible and adaptive force, prepared to defend our Nation from any location around the world Per Mare...” Command Master Chief Loren Rucker, 1st MLG Command Master Chief
Marines and Sailors adapt and overcome to this year’s unique challenges while continuing to commemorate the Marine Corps Birthday. “The last 245 years of Naval integration has proven that we are a flexible and adaptive force, prepared to defend our Nation from any location around the world Per Mare, Per Terram (By Sea, By Land),” remarked Command Master Chief Loren Rucker, 1st MLG Command Master Chief, about the celebration. “We have faithfully built the most capable Naval fighting force throughout the World, Semper Fidelis.”
In speaking about her own Marine Corps history during the ceremony, Brigadier General Bobbi Shea, Commanding General of 1st MLG reflected on the words that were passed down to her. The Marine Corps Birthday “is about honoring our legacy, rededicating ourselves to our Corps values, and committing ourselves to the future of our Corps.” For generations, Marines have faced many challenges and have continued to persevere, and it is our duty to carry the legacy forward.
“I couldn’t be more proud of how the Marines and Sailors of 1st MLG have acquitted themselves in service to our nation this year -- whether in the searing heat and dust storms of the middle east, the sub-zero cold of the near-arctic, far flung islands of the Pacific and Australia, the altitudes of Bridgeport and firefighting in northern California, or the subsurface and beach operations in southern California,” stated Brigadier General Bobbi Shea to mark the occasion. “They have lived up to the reputation of MLG Marines who have served our Nation in places like Inchon, Chosin, Danang, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The legacy of the 1st MLG is in great hands – and their service enables me to be confident about the future of our Corps and, indeed, our Nation.”